A lot of dangerous chemical and substances are included in most non-organic fertilizers and pesticides

Many countries have started becoming concerned that these dangerous chemicals and substances are used to enhance the growth of plants and many other natural products. Most of these products are consumed on a daily basis by uninformed consumers. These products can be: fruits, vegetables, tobaccos, rice, and etc.

We want to raise the awareness of many estates plantations and farmers to use these healthier fertilizers and pesticides so that we can reduce the risk of diseases a person can contract from the non-organic fertilizers and persiticides.

In a lot of cases, there are farmers that found it difficult to sell or export their products because they use non-organic fertilizers and pesticides, but the content of chemicals and substances inside their products far surpass the international standard causing their exported products rejected. At the same time, some farmers do not use pesticides at all and homegrown fertilizers to stay organic.

Plants without the right fertilizers and pesticides will not grow well, contract diseases and pests, and damage the soil. Resulting in an overall decline in production.

In conclusion, implementing a fully organic approach in the agriculture industry is becoming a crucial necessity. Both to be accepted internationally and enriching the Earth for future generations.